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Asbestos Resources

A Place to Find Accredited Asbestos Removal Companies

Asbestos Portal - The Online Resource

Find Asbestos Surveyors and Removal Companies Easily!

Asbestos Portal ( is a specialist asbestos directory and resource

Today I’d like to give a quick shout out to who are developing a specialist online resource dedicated to asbestos information. This website lists a host of asbestos removal companies. The beauty about it is that people can easily browse through a host of recommended and trusted UKAS accredited trade specialists whose companies are fully qualified to safely remove asbestos from houses throughout the UK.

Up until the early 1970s asbestos was used extensively across the United Kingdom and the world as a fire retardant building and insulating material for homes and factories. Many council homes aging 20 years may still contain asbestos materials.
To date, it has been extremely difficult to estimate the actual percentage of affected UK homes in statistical reports.

To gain control over the situation certain responsibilities have been placed on Social landlords. Social landlords are required by law to keep an asbestos register on file for all properties that they own.
This register has to comply with the regulations and should indicate whether or not a building has been surveyed, whether any asbestos has been detected by asbestos surveyors and also whether or not this material has been removed, damaged or sealed in place.

If, through renovation and refurbishment, you disturb certain asbestos types the dust emitted and inhaled can have devastating consequences on your future health and livelihood.

If you are suspicious of any asbestos in your building then simply visit this list of asbestos companies to find your nearest asbestos removal specialist.