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You can be pro-active by participating in any future petitions relating to the various causes that this site promotes. We have supplied links and resources around the site to various Mesothelioma fundraisers. Feel free to donate or make a contribution to these campaigns and genuine causes for those affected by Mesothelioma.

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Asbestos Resources

A Place to Find Accredited Asbestos Removal Companies

Asbestos Portal - The Online Resource

Find Asbestos Surveyors and Removal Companies Easily!

Asbestos Portal ( is a specialist asbestos directory and resource

Today I’d like to give a quick shout out to who are developing a specialist online resource dedicated to asbestos information. This website lists a host of asbestos removal companies. The beauty about it is that people can easily browse through a host of recommended and trusted UKAS accredited trade specialists whose companies are fully qualified to safely remove asbestos from houses throughout the UK.

Up until the early 1970s asbestos was used extensively across the United Kingdom and the world as a fire retardant building and insulating material for homes and factories. Many council homes aging 20 years may still contain asbestos materials.
To date, it has been extremely difficult to estimate the actual percentage of affected UK homes in statistical reports.

To gain control over the situation certain responsibilities have been placed on Social landlords. Social landlords are required by law to keep an asbestos register on file for all properties that they own.
This register has to comply with the regulations and should indicate whether or not a building has been surveyed, whether any asbestos has been detected by asbestos surveyors and also whether or not this material has been removed, damaged or sealed in place.

If, through renovation and refurbishment, you disturb certain asbestos types the dust emitted and inhaled can have devastating consequences on your future health and livelihood.

If you are suspicious of any asbestos in your building then simply visit this list of asbestos companies to find your nearest asbestos removal specialist.

Promoting the Awareness of CANCERactive -

A Independent Cancer Support Network & Resource

Seek Support From CANCERactive -


CANCERactive is an independent charity that aims to help people increase their personal odds of beating cancer.

CANCERactive believes in empowering people – to understand the possible causes, and to build effective integrated therapy programmes, using well-researched, Complementary and Alternative therapies not merely Orthodox ones – the best of the best.

On the Web Site you will find ‘Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer’: over 2000 pages of information, all written in a user-friendly way.

It’s a magazine on the internet. CancerActive don’t limit their attentions to merely Orthodox therapies like Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Surgery, they include fully-evidenced and effective Complementary and Alternative Therapies too. CANCERactive include all the latest information from around the world on everything from Nutritional Supplements that improve the effectiveness of Chemo and Radiotherapy to new treatments that are genuinely working for people in other countries.

CANCERactive's covers extensive a variety of topics and concerns from details on drug side effects to diet therapies that have clinical trials supporting them. CANCERactive frequently discusses the benefits of supplements from herbs to vitamins that can play a proven anti-cancer role, and full coverage of complementary therapies from acupuncture to meditation, from massage to hands-on-healing.

CANCERactive also have overviews on a great many specific and fast emerging cancer treatments like the use of pancreatic enzymes, metabolic typing, energy therapies, Photo-Dynamic Therapy and Ultrasound (HIFU) and on different cancers from Breast to Prostate. CANCERactive add over 50 pages on a monthly basis.

Only recently, the information provided by CANCERactive on certain breast cancers has been described as ‘amazing’ and a recommended resource according to chat users on the two leading US Cancer sites, to quote: ‘with information I didn’t know you could get anywhere’.

CANCERactive take a ‘Precautionary stance’ on cancer prevention, bringing you the latest information on all the factors that have been shown to increase the risks of cancer. This will enable you to cut them out of your life as much as possible, again increasing your personal odds of beating the disease.

Not surprisingly CANCERactive are already the major source of valuable information for Integrated therapies and Cancer Prevention in the UK.

According to the spokespersons at CANCERactive - "the feedback from patients is simply excellent", just as it is for our quarterly magazine icon which goes now into over 400 Hospitals,, Iibraries and cancer centres providing the very latest information, for free, right into the patients’ hands and the hands of others that need to know. CANCERactive aim to be the ‘Patient’s Champion’.

CANCERactive's information on ALL the therapies comes with the backing of research and scientific evidence. CANCERactive give you the Whole Truth - Information you can trust - because CANCERactive have no vested interests, no hidden benefactors, our Trustees and Directors take no financial rewards or incentives. CANCERactive aim to help – Visit: CANCERactive. Intelligent Information. Independent Voice.

Another Ban Asbestos Video Found on Utube in 2009

Interesting Video Relating To The Ban Asbestos Campaign:

View: Asian Ban Asbestos Video,English

What Statistic of Mesothelioma Information Is Web Spam?

...A rant about web spam and Mesothelioma information

Re.Journalists promoting Mesothelioma sites...

Can you believe this? Correct me if I'm wrong please!

I found this following statistic on a EZine article that states that amost 80% of all mesothelioma victims have been exposed to asbestos in their daily lives.


I found this statistic outstanding, unbelievable and unfound. Now I am by no means an expert (I simply write this to help promote Mesothelioma fundraisers and other certain channels of Mesothelioma support) but isn’t asbestos (as scientists and medical professionals researched thus far:) the only significant cause of Mesothelioma lung cancer?
Surely that figure should be 100%???? Or 99.99999% for any element of doubt that - one in however many people may have got it by divine intervention!? Hey - Mary fell pregnant remember - the lord giveth and taketh! Could that random made up statistic be more fruitful? It allows a miniscule benefit of the doubt. It is no surprise that only 99% of statistics are made up! (An old one I know)

Does the article writer not take into account those thousands of people living in India? Those who are working in mines? Producing asbestos sheets in a factory production line? Those who have no choice? Would these civilians out number those veterans who served in world war II and various other wars since? I’m not discounting anybody in particular here. Any person suffering from Mesothelioma lung cancer deserves all the support necessary to improve their quality of life. This is not a dig pointing out who is the most unfortunate. It is a dig at people who write articles on a subject that they know nothing about (myself included) who provide false information on the net! And I’ll tell you why I have this huge beef – it is not related to Mesothelioma, but is related to mortality…and the cursed web – my father was in a coma after a heart operation went wrong and he was considered to have an anoxic brain injury of which the French doctor said in broken English “it is the reptilian side of the brain that is operating” – basically they told me that he was a vegetable and was not locked in as the blood flow to the brain was seriously reduced / cut off (they don’t know) for 16 mins! I later managed to get various reactions and basic signals, 98% paralytic forms of communication out of him before his demise. Now it pains me to think that if his recent wife had got the right kind of treatment for him soon then some quality of life could remain.
I get angry at people writing articles out of FICTION to increase companies or professionals online web presence – as in the article link above – which I have no followed and have only posted as an example. This is simply because when these circumstances hit me – I went online to find help out there and the only information I found were ropey blogs with dodgy English, copied content or no authority on the subject (All this said - one search did provide a really good establishment based in the South of England that offered specialist care to act as a stimulus for anoxic injuries). But to wade through so much rubbish - I find it despicable – and frustrating that these people lay down such falsities just so that they can get a “link” or attract advertising from affiliates or companies with a relevant topic base.
Can they not see what effect they are having on people in the world by polluting the web with such…spam?
I hereby state that – it is my mission to only provide information on this blog that is either opinionated, a proven statistic or fact or of significant benefit to the cause represent on Mesothlioma Hindsight.